What Are Common Debt Defense Options in California?

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When you’ve been harassed and sued for a debt, understanding your legal options is critical. If you find yourself in debt, you know how overwhelming it can be, as the cycle seemingly never ends. As such, it’s imperative to understand your legal options and why connecting with a Los Angeles, California debt defense lawyer is critical to protecting your best interest. If you’ve been sued, the following blog explores what you can expect after these matters and what you can do if you find yourself in these circumstances.

What Happens When I Am Sued For a Debt?

If you are sued for a debt, you will be served papers. This essentially is your notice that a lawsuit has been filed against you by the creditor or collector you owe funds to and provides a timeline to respond to the claims.

Unfortunately, many assume they don’t need to or are unsure how to respond to a lawsuit. As such, you may find that failing to respond by the date listed will result in the creditor or collector obtaining a “default judgment” against you. Essentially, this means that the judge will grant the collector the funds they claim you owe, plus any interest and attorney fees for the creditor or collector. If you still do not respond or pay the creditor, the judge may order your wages to be garnished or your bank account to be frozen.

As such, if sued, understanding what steps to take is critical. Generally, the first thing you’ll want to do is carefully read the lawsuit. This will inform you of information like who the collector or creditor is, the amount they are suing for, and when you must file a response.

What Are My Debt Defense Options?

Receiving notice that you are the defendant in a lawsuit for debt can be anxiety-inducing. As such, the first thing you should do after carefully reading the papers you were served with is connect with an experienced attorney. This is critical, not only to explore your legal options but to ensure you take the correct steps when responding to the lawsuit against you.

Depending on your circumstances, your attorney will advise you on the best action to take. One option is to negotiate with the collector to settle the amount. You may be able to reach an agreement with the creditor to make a monthly payment or a one-time lump sum payment in exchange for dropping the lawsuit.

Another option is to fight the case against you. You may be able to prove that the debt against you isn’t one that you owe, the collector is misrepresenting the amount owed, or they have violated your rights as a consumer during the collection process.

Regardless of which course of action you decide to pursue, one thing remains true – it is imperative to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible to explore your legal options during these matters. At Los Angeles Legal Solutions, we understand how complicated it can be when you discover there is a lawsuit against you. That’s why our team will do everything possible to help you through these complicated times by providing you with the best advice for your unique circumstances.

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