As a consumer, the information on your credit report dictates considerable portions of your life, from where you can live to what jobs you receive. It’s imperative to ensure the information on these consumer reports is correct, as inaccuracies can severely impact your life. If you discover that your credit information has been misused or misreported, you’ll find that this may warrant a violation of the FCRA, meaning you may be able to seek compensation for any damages you’ve endured. If you believe you’re the victim of FCRA violations, this blog explores what you can do and why it’s imperative to connect with a California consumer lawyer who can help you navigate these complicated matters.
What Is the Purpose of the FCRA?
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a set of laws and regulations that determines how consumer information is used and by who. This is essential to ensure your information is not misused, which can hurt your credit score and cause you to incur higher rates or loan denials. For example, this limits who has access to your information and the right to run a background check. These laws apply to all consumer reports.
What Are Common FCRA Violations?
Generally, one of the most common violations of the FCRA is reporting old or inaccurate information. It’s important to understand that agencies and creditors have a responsibility to ensure the information they are supplying is up-to-date and accurate. For example, if the agency does not report a debt discharged in bankruptcy or reports the wrong balance of a debt, this is considered a violation.
Another common violation occurs when an agency mixes your credit report with that of another person. This can occur if you share a similar name or social security number with another person, or mix the information of those who live in the same zip code. This is generally the result of human error by the employee responsible for updating this information.
Who Faces Responsibility for Damages?
If you have reason to believe your FCRA rights were violated, the first thing you should do is document the violation, as this can provide necessary evidence. Next, you’ll want to work with an attorney who can examine the circumstances of your case to determine the best course of action.
In general, the agency responsible for misreporting your information or a creditor who supplies incorrect information can face liability for any damages you endure. However, if someone without the legal right to do so views your information, they can also face liability. You can collect damages of up to $1,000 per violation and punitive damages as imposed by the court.
As you can see, this can be an incredibly complex process for consumers. Therefore, it is in your best interest to connect with an experienced attorney from Los Angeles Legal Solutions who can help guide you through the process of recovering compensation for FCRA violations. Connect with us today to learn more about these matters and how we can assist you.